👋🏻 I'm Hòa Nguyễn @hoaio

⚛️ A QuantumAI.Cloud Researcher

As of Oct 2021, I’ve been pursuing my PhD at the CLOUDS Lab, University of Melbourne, Australia, with a key research focus on software and resource management for Quantum Cloud Computing. Prior to this, I’d worked as a lecturer in Cybersecurity and Networks at the University of Information Technology, Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City.

🌏 A Circle of Scholarly Professionals

As of January 2025, I established my professional community, now rebranded as IO Academy (formerly Scholar Community), to connect Vietnamese scholars, engineers, and tech enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds to share insights and collaborate on topics like research, emerging technologies, scholarships, and long-term career development. Together, we aim to inspire, optimize, and grow professionally – together

*limited spots available, 🇻🇳 Vietnamese only


A ‘superposition’ of Quantum Researcher and Digital Optimalist 😊

On Hoà IO Blog, I share personal reflections, useful tips, career and research insights, and thoughts on life, connecting with a broader Vietnamese audience in a relatable way. An English version of my personal blog is also available on Substack.

Meanwhile, QuantumAI.Cloud is my technical blog, where I dive into the technical depths, exploring cutting-edge topics like quantum computing, AI/ML, cloud technologies, and cybersecurity.

My PhD and Research Journey

My Research ⚛️

My key research interests include quantum cloud computing deep reinforcement learning quantum machine learning quantum optimisation algorithms quantum and post-quantum security
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To learn more about my research (publications, open sources, academic services), please click here

≫ Learn more about my research

News from Hòa

01.02.2025I launched my brand-new IO Academy Community for Vietnamese Scholarly Professionals👉🏻 Get early access now!
30.09.2024My PhD Third Year Review has been successfully completed.Read more
11.07.2024I presented my latest work, entitled "DRLQ: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Task Placement for Quantum Cloud Computing" at the 2024 IEEE 17th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2024), Shenzhen, China, July 7-13, 2024Read more
15.06.2024I established my research hub, named QuantumAI.Cloud (QAC) to work and contribute to the intersection of quantum cloud computing, AI, and software engineering.Read more
01.06.2024I established my professional community, named Scholar Community (now IO Academy 🎉) with scholarly professionals working and studying in computer science and information technology.Get early access
27.05.2024My QSimPy Project has been proposed for the Quantum Internship Program 2024 at QWorld (Project ID: qi24_14). 9 interns were selected to work in this project.Read more
02.05.2024The preprint of my paper "QSimPy: A Learning-centric Simulation Framework for Quantum Cloud Resource Management” is available on arXiv for early reference. Read more
17.04.2024The preprint of my review paper "Quantum Cloud Computing: A Review, Open Problems, and Future Directions" is available on arXiv for early reference. Read more
30.03.2024My extended paper "iQuantum: A Toolkit for Modeling and Simulation of Quantum Computing Environments" has been accepted to Journal of Software: Practice and Experience ★ IF 3.5Read more
15.01.2024My paper "QFaaS: A Serverless Function-as-a-Service framework for Quantum computing" has been accepted for publication in Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) journal ★ IF 7.5Read more
13.12.2023I was featured on Cybernew's Student Stories "Trailblazing the quantum cloud" Read more
04.09.2023My PhD Second Year Review has been successfully completed.Read more
08.05.2023My paper "iQuantum: A Case for Modeling and Simulation of Quantum Computing Environments" has been accepted for presentation at IEEE Quantum Software 2023 (QSW), Chicago, IL, USARead more
01.03.2023My QFaaS project has been adopted to develop a quantum serverless platform at Citynow AsiaRead more
06.10.2022My PhD Candidature Confirmation has been successfully completed.Read more
01.10.2021I have started my PhD research at the CLOUDS Lab, University of Melbourne, AustraliaRead more
29.04.2021I have been awarded the Vingroup Science and Technology Scholarship for full funding of my PhD research overseas.Read more

Read from my blog

I’m writing about Technology (focus on Quantum and Emerging Computing) and How to Optimize my Lifestyle to become an Optimalist with meaningful impacts!

On Hoà IO Blog, I share personal reflections, useful tips, career and research insights, and thoughts on life, connecting with a broader Vietnamese audience in a relatable way. An English version of my personal blog is also available on Substack.

Meanwhile, QuantumAI.Cloud is my technical blog, where I dive into the technical depths, exploring cutting-edge topics like quantum computing, AI/ML, cloud technologies, and cybersecurity.


My Journey

“All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and so gorgeous at the end.”